What Will We Do?

March 27th, 2006

Yesterday I was working in the nursery during Sunday School, and we had 6 toddlers that were all within a few months of Patrick’s age, and one 5 month old little boy. Well, I was picking up the toddlers a lot, and Patrick didn’t seem to care. We had several very unhappy children! The baby was suppose to be trying to take a nap in the crib room. He didn’t want to go down, so after I while I went in and got him. I sat down on the rocking chair and began trying to rock him to sleep. Patrick saw this and IMMEDIATELY got very upset that his mommy had a little baby. He burst into tears and ran away. I was able to coax him into coming back to me and he buried his head on my lap and continued to cry and wimper. I have never seen him so upset about me holding other children before, but then again, I am usually holding toddlers and not young babies.

What are we going to do when the new baby comes?


  1. Annelise says

    Lots of my friends have gotten baby dolls for both themselves and their toddlers to carry around (same sex as that of the coming baby). When the new baby came they simply disappeared the doll baby. Not quite the same, but it helps. I’d start closer to baby time, though, .like in the last six weeks or so. HTH’s!

    March 27th, 2006 | #

  2. Diane says

    HAH! At least I’ll be home when the new baby is born and I’ll give patty wack all the attention that he will want!!! 👿

    March 27th, 2006 | #

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