We’re Buying a House!

May 15th, 2006


Two days before leaving for Dallas, we put an offer on the house above. The same day, someone else put an offer on the same house, and their offer was very similar to ours. However, the owners and the seller’s agent picked our offer due to the fact that our agent had had more personal interaction with them, and had been very friendly. Two days later, we began the process of purchasing this house! So far we’ve finished home inspections and found out that this 9 year old home has very few problems that were detected! Our agent said that he never saw a house with so few problems that came out in inspections. The problems were very minor: slight rot on a ladder in the crawl space, and a broken seal on one of the double pane windows. Also, the gutters need to be cleaned. Right now we’re negotiating with the owners to see if they will fix the window seal for us. We also need to speak with our mortgage broker to begin the process of figuring out financing. If all goes well, the closing date is June 23rd, and this house will be ours. This has been such a big step for us, and so far things have gone quite well. We’d appreciate prayers that things will continue to work out smoothly and that there will be no major problems with the loan process.


  1. Hope says

    ooh, my birthday!

    May 15th, 2006 | #

  2. Diane says

    I love you.

    Can I live with you?

    May 18th, 2006 | #

  3. rachel FEucht says

    I will miss you guys:( i am sad i cant help you move! but i will live with you when i get back!! yay!!

    May 19th, 2006 | #

  4. Elizabeth Feucht says

    What a beautiful home!!! I am happy for you. MOM

    May 21st, 2006 | #

  5. uncle Gaylon says

    I like Diane and Rachels’ responces. Do you have room for one more boarder? ( I’m just kidding )

    June 4th, 2006 | #

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