Great Things To Come
Andrew and I have had a Canon camcorder for three years now… it was a gift to me for our first Valentine’s Day. Yesterday Andrew bought me a special cord so that now we can take all those movies stored on all those little camcorder tapes and convert them to digital movies on our computer. As a result, I’m going to be able to start posting MOVIES of my sweeties on here! Here’s a little movie to start out with . It’s just a test. It’s of Rachel trying to kill my mom’s cat, Katze (or maybe it’s the other way around, who knows…). Hopefully this will work!!!!
Posted by Andrew Flanagan |
Comments (1)
Don’t be mean to my Katze!!! She will fight every time you touch her tummy. She doesn’t like to be touched on her underside Maybe next time you will make a movie of her loving side and how she likes to kiss people. That would only be fair!! MOM.
February 20th, 2007 | #