Gotta Love the Internet!

April 5th, 2007

This is going to be a really quick post… I have some pictures from the past few days which I’ll post later today or maybe tomorrow.

When I had my first experience browsing the internet, I have to say I wasn’t exactly that impressed… most of my friends didn’t have e-mail and there weren’t a lot of neat websites out there. Well, now I’m addicted. Today I discovered yet one more way that the internet makes life easier. Patrick and Sammy’s pediatrician now allows you to schedule your appointments online. Well, this morning I called to make an appointment for Sammy’s well-baby visit and while I was waiting to speak to a receptionist, they had those little voice ads playing while you’re on hold. This ad said you could schedule online. I didn’t know if it would be easier to register online or wait to have someone else do it, so, while I was still waiting on the phone, I managed to register an account, log in, and schedule the appointment. I finally hung up the phone right before I confirmed the appointment. I was just amazed how it was much easier to use their online interface than waiting and waiting to get the next available representative. The neat thing was that I was able to actually browse through several days and pick the date and time that worked best for my schedule. After I was done, they sent a nice e-mail reminder with confirmation code to my inbox.  So I’m happy. I just wish making all appointments were that easy!!!

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