Baby Gender Clue #1

July 11th, 2007

I do not believe at all in old wives’ tales, and I like to disprove them when possible! According to one old wives’ tale, a physical feature of Sammy’s is suppose to be the clue to what the gender of our baby is. Well, we proved those old wives wrong!

Here are a couple pictures of Sammy. One of these pictures shows the clue!


Sammy’s Front


Sammy’s Back


  1. Aunt Karen says

    Sammy is such a beautiful baby boy!… just adorable! That smile is beckoning a hug and a hundred kisses. Wish I could be there to give it to him.

    July 12th, 2007 | #

  2. Alicia says

    I knew it, you’re having a boy!!! Congrats, another boy!
    Here’s how I know (I found this online):
    For instance, some say that if the hairline at the base of your last child’s neck is a ducktail, your next baby will be a girl. If it’s straight across, prepare for a boy

    July 12th, 2007 | #

  3. Grama E says

    Is the clue the “Megasy toe”?

    July 13th, 2007 | #

  4. Sarah Flanagan says

    Mom, No, it has nothing to do with Sammy’s toe gap, though it is funny that I actually was able to get a picture of it! The clue is a little higher up on the body!

    July 13th, 2007 | #

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