Patrick’s Christmas Program!

December 17th, 2007


  1. Grama E says

    He’s angelic even without the halo. Love you, Patrick!

    December 17th, 2007 | #

  2. Diane Feucht says

    AWWW! My nephew is a star! 🙂 Way to start the show-biz, dear Patrick!

    December 17th, 2007 | #

  3. Josh says

    very cute. hope all is well in WA, have a very merry christmas and a happy new year!

    December 17th, 2007 | #

  4. rach says

    oh man.. i am sad i missed it 🙁 thanks for posting sarah! See you tomorrow!!!

    December 17th, 2007 | #

  5. Joanna says

    How cute! He did the motions and everything. Really growing up!

    December 18th, 2007 | #

  6. Alicia says

    aw, that was so cute, he did such a good job. those three year olds always steal the show!

    happy belated birthday, we’ll see you on Sunday which means we’ll get to see Ethan get baptized!!!

    December 18th, 2007 | #

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