The Answer…
Well, the theme of our boys’ names isn’t that obvious… so I don’t feel so bad that we didn’t realize it either. We did get one person to figure it out. That person was Grandma Flanagan! Everyone else, including me, should probably begin brushing up on our US History.
Patrick Henry. Samuel Adams. Ethan Allen. The names of three very important figures during the Revolutionary War. The suggestions for future children? George (Washington), Ben (Franklin), Hamilton (Alexander Hamilton), Benedict (Uh Oh!), Paul (Revere), Abigail (Adams), Elizabeth (Betsy Ross). If anyone else has any good suggestions now that you know the theme, feel free to let us know!!!
Another thought: if you use Paul it could serve double duty for Paul Revere and Ron Paul 🙂
January 11th, 2008 | #
hey.. i hope everything goes well with ethan tomorrow.. i wish i was there:(
January 14th, 2008 | #