Ethan Gets Fixed

January 15th, 2008

Today Ethan got fixed… well, I guess more correctly, Ethan had an inguinal hernia repair operation. It was a very straight forward surgery, and the little guy got through it very well, even though he didn’t really enjoy having surgery. He didn’t like being starved beforehand, and he didn’t like it when the post-op nurses tried to give him a bottle and swaddle him tightly afterwards. He also didn’t like being connected to an IV and a vital stats monitor, and several times managed to yank the monitor off his toe. But he did like snuggling up in a big armchair with Mommy once we got into our hospital room, and he REALLY liked it when he got some Tylenol and was then bundled up to go home. He even gave a couple great big smiles on the way out!

For memories’ sake, I took a couple of pictures of him once the surgery was over and he was recovering in the room. Doesn’t he look good for a little guy who has just had surgery???


Nice and cozy warm in the hospital crib


All hooked up :o(


  1. rach says

    i am glad my little baby is better now 🙁 i miss him!

    January 15th, 2008 | #

  2. Josh says

    glad to hear he’s ok. i heard he was having surgery and i kept him in my prayers today. hope the recovery is quick!

    January 15th, 2008 | #

  3. Sam and Savanna says

    So glad things went well! I guess your parents are a big help with Andrew having to be away.
    Savanna and I are thinking of you and praying for you all.

    January 15th, 2008 | #

  4. rach says

    sarah should update this website!! 😀

    January 25th, 2008 | #

  5. Uncle Gaylon says

    You scared me for a second when you said “Ethan got fixed”. You can probably blame the Feucht gene for Ethan’s hernia. Grandpa Feucht had two hernia operations and I had two operations at ages 4 & 5. Long live Ethan!!!

    February 8th, 2008 | #

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