Littlest Irish Prince

March 15th, 2008

 A few pictures of our little Irish Prince enjoying his first St. Pat’s Day party. I will try to get some pictures of our Irish party last night from Jon, and I’ll post them once I do!


Shamrock halo… must get Irish shirt on and I’m ready for the party!


Not sure how it happened, but the camera made this photo look kind of psychedelic and I thought it looked cool…


  1. Lori says

    Happy St. Patty’s day!! (A little eartly.) Caleb will be wearing a shirt you gave us! 🙂
    Oh, and I laughed histarically when you commented about the having the Potty Song in your head.
    By the way, Ethan is a perfect mix of his brothers. He’s so cute in his Irish gear!

    March 15th, 2008 | #

  2. Rachel says

    Sarah!!! rememeber just 4 years ago I was in Washington DC celebrating patricks first St. patricks day??? Then last year we where there celebrating Sammys?? BUT this is the first year I did not get to celebrate a first st. pattys day with a nephew 🙁 so sad. can’t wait to see the other pics!!

    March 15th, 2008 | #

  3. Elizabeth E. says

    Ethan is such a little cutely!!!! MOM

    March 15th, 2008 | #

  4. Elizabeth E. says

    Oops! I meant CUTIE!!!!!

    March 15th, 2008 | #

  5. Kjerste says

    We had a wonderful time last night! Thanks, Sarah!

    March 15th, 2008 | #

  6. Ali says

    I do like that photo! Pretty cool!
    And that’s a nice blanket he’s lying on . . . did you make it yourself?

    March 16th, 2008 | #

  7. Sarah Flanagan says

    Yes, I actually did make the blanket. It’s the first and only quilt I’ve ever made, and I made it when I first got married, before Patrick was in the picture. When Patrick and Sammy were babies I didn’t use it very much, but I’ve started using it more now :o)

    March 16th, 2008 | #

  8. rach says

    you should get jonnys pics and post them!! i wanna see more 🙂

    March 19th, 2008 | #

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