
April 9th, 2008

On the way home from my Good Wives and Mom’s group today I told the boys that we were going to have pizza for lunch. I told Sammy to say, “Pizza”, not expecting him to actually say it because he’s not really talking yet. However, to my complete amazement and delight, he responded by saying “PEEEE-ZAH!” It was the most adorable thing ever! So I asked him several more times and he kept on saying it. I think this is his first real word… he has said phrases like “All Done” and “What’s Dat?”, and he calls everyone, including me, Dada, but he’s never really said any words that didn’t have a “duh” sound in them. So it was pretty exciting and thrilling to hear that little guy actually using a word today. It figures that his first real word would involve food… my little chunk!!!


  1. Amy says

    That’s awesome! I love when they totally surprise you with something fun like that!

    April 10th, 2008 | #

  2. rach says

    ohh man,, i wish i was there for this! how cute 🙂

    April 11th, 2008 | #

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