Drei Deutsche Kinder

April 28th, 2008

Today Oma came over bearing wonderful gifts from Germany and Austria. Patrick received a new pair of lederhosen, complete with shirt and hat, Sammy received a teeshirt, and Ethan got a funny little hat that makes him look like Gandolf! The boys also received a lot of yummy candy, I was given two pretty scarves, and we also received a special Sacher Torte from Vienna, Austria!

Patrick showing off his new red lederhosen (it came with a shirt, but we didn’t put it on him!)

Proud to be German! He even has German chocolate smudged on his face!

Sammy got a Munchen shirt. Very appropriate, considering he’s a little Munch ;o).

Ethan’s Gandolf hat! He likes it!

The back of the Gandolf hat… haha!


  1. Grama F/M says

    What amazing pictures, esp. that one of Ethan!!
    Very cute. Love to you all!

    April 29th, 2008 | #

  2. Amy says

    That stuff is awesome! I think my parents need to go to Germany so they can bring Blake back some cool German things. 🙂 Your boys are too cute.

    April 29th, 2008 | #

  3. Leanne says

    My dad had a pair of lederhosen when he was a boy, which my brother was able to wear. I hope that my boys will have the chance to wear them too, even if they hate me for it. Very cute pictures.

    April 29th, 2008 | #

  4. Dana says

    Your boys look adorable!!

    April 29th, 2008 | #

  5. rach says

    I love my nephews!!!!

    May 1st, 2008 | #

  6. Julie says

    I’m in Santa Fe with my friend Lenia from Berlin. We both got such a kick out of your German kids. So precious!

    May 2nd, 2008 | #

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