Smells like…. Gerbil Bedding?

July 17th, 2009

I like to change out our laundry detergent every once and a while, especially if I see something new around the time when we’re running low. It’s nice to have a new scent every now and then. Well, a few weeks ago I got some new Gain detergent from Costco, which we immediately started using. After the first load of laundry I realized that all our clothes smelled like cedar. We’ve had a number of gerbils and a hampster since we’ve gotten married, so that whole cedar scent was reminding Andrew and I of the gerbil bedding we always bought. Now the boys’ room smells like gerbils and we smell like gerbils and, while it’s not a horrible smell and gerbils are actually fairly clean as far as rodents, I have to admit that I don’t feel very clean when my clothes smell like that. The problem is we bought a big container of it at Costco, which means we’ll be smelling like this for at least a month, if not more. I did just put a load of laundry in the dryer this afternoon where I had added fabric softener, and it did seem like that helped remove the cedar scent. I have to admit that for the past year I’ve fallen out of the practice of using fabric softener because I was concerned that it could possibly leave a residue in the washer and dryer, which could potentially coat my cloth pocket diapers and cause them to repell. However, since we’re now using mainly fitteds, I actually use an organic fabric softener for the diapers to keep them soft and squishy and I’m guessing that using the plain old downy for all our clothes shouldn’t be a problem anymore. However, in the event that you happen to sit near one of us during church or walk by us and get a good sniff of cedar, please remember that we have not been rolling around in gerbil bedding, it’s the detergent! I promise!!!!


  1. Elizabeth E. says

    I was wondering what that odor on the clothes was when I was over the other day. I ended up putting your clothes through a third rinse to get rid of it. 😛

    July 17th, 2009 | #

  2. Bill says

    haha, this is really really funny, hope you all stop smelling like gerbils soon!

    July 26th, 2009 | #

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