Mr. Chunk

August 29th, 2009

It has been 2 1/2 weeks since I had Liam last weighed, and he was 8 lb, 3 oz at that point. Since that time, I’ve noticed a HUGE growth spurt. All those adorable little newborn items that took the three older boys 2 months to grow out of are already packed away at 5 weeks, and the little man keeps on growing. Just last week I put my first goodmama on the guy and it was way too big, but last night he wore three and he was fitting them perfectly on the smallest setting. I just can’t believe how quickly this little guy is growing- it seems all too fast! Here are a few shots from the last couple weeks…


Showing off his adorable hedgie shirt and blanket that Mommy found at Target (another reason I like shopping at Target- hedgehog items!!!! SO FUN!!!!!!)


This one is totally for Diane- MOOOOOOOOO!


Thinking about falling asleep…


Last time he wears that newborn sized shirt and longies- he’s becoming way too big!!!


First Goodmama to fit! He wore it for 4 hours last night, and then wore two more Goodmamas after that 🙂


  1. Elizabeth E. says

    All that breastfeeding is paying off!

    August 29th, 2009 | #

  2. M says

    He is so adorable!

    August 30th, 2009 | #

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